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Make your solo Valentine’s Day doubly sweet

Spending the day that celebrates couples by yourself doesn’t have to be a punishment. This year, make it a day of treating yourself. Here are five easy ways to make this Feb. 14 your best yet — no man required. Get ready for a day of you, you, you — because you deserve it!

Treat yourself to rest

We are all busy. Many of us spend far too much time at work or running errands. So while all those couples are running around trying to make last-minute reservations and exchanging wilted bouquets,  grant yourself some much-needed rest. Whether it’s sleeping in, snagging a midday nap or turning in early, grab those ZZZs that you’ve been missing out on.

Treat yourself to beauty

Who among us couldn’t benefit from a mani-pedi or a massage? And if you can’t swing something as grand as a day at the spa, get yourself a new eyeshadow palette or a pair of cute flats. Even a unique nail polish will do the trick — so long as it’s something new that you wouldn’t let yourself buy on an average day. This is the time to spend some money just for you, and make yourself feel fabulous.

Treat yourself to relaxation

Relax in whatever way you don’t normally have time for. Maybe it’s a warm, candlelit bubble bath or curling up with that book you haven’t gotten around to reading for months. Whatever it is, give yourself some time to relax and enjoy your own company.

Treat yourself to food

This doesn’t mean you should act like poor dumped Elle in Legally Blonde, spending your evening devouring boxes of chocolates while crying in bed. Instead, treat yourself to a meal you wouldn’t normally get a chance to enjoy. If you never spend the money on ordering in, then get some quality Pad Thai or a nice assortment of Indian delivered. Or, if you don’t usually have time to cook for yourself, take the evening to whip up that dish you have been dying to create.

Treat yourself to love

Feb. 14 doesn’t have to be about being with someone else. Valentine’s Day can be all about the love you have for yourself. Write down a list of all the things you like about yourself, whether it’s your ridiculously long eyelashes or your ability to create the perfect chocolate souffle. Then, take the day to celebrate everything you’ve accomplished and all the things you have to offer the world.

There you have it, ladies. Now go out there and make this Valentine’s Day all about you!

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Ways to treat yourself on Valentine’s Day
Single gal’s guide to a sweet Valentine’s Day
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