You work hard, sometimes too hard, and that can really start to wear you down. So if you’re looking for a new way to unwind on your next night off, perhaps a warm, relaxing bath is just what you need. Here are some easy ways to create the perfect “me time.”
Candles are a great way to set the tone for your bath experience. We spend so much of the day in harsh, artificial lighting, so it’s nice to give our eyes a rest. Just ensure that you place them in locations where they won’t ignite anything, as you want to be able to relax, not worry about starting a fire. You can place several little candles all around the room for a little more light or simply rely on one larger one if you are in the mood for a darker space. You can even opt for your favourite scented candles, for a little added comfort.
Bath treats
There once was a time where you looked forward to bath time because it was a chance to play with your rubber ducky and other floating toys. Even though those days may be gone, you can still make the bath just as fun, using more grown-up items. Stores like Lush and The Body Shop are piled high with bath bombs, salts, massage bars, gels and much more. You can even pick up a bottle of bubble bath — because bubbles were fun then and they’re still fun now! You won’t necessarily want to use everything at the same time, because the scents can clash and/or the bath can become more overhwelming than relaxing. But it’s certainly fun picking which items you want to try out when you settle in for a relaxing evening.
Essential oils
Essential oils are a great addition to your relaxing bath because they are distilled from plants, so they can help you feel more in tune with the natural world. In order to enjoy their calming scents and natural healing properties, you simply place a few drops in the bath and enjoy. If you are new to experimenting with essential oils, patchouli and lavender are good ones to start with. Patchouli is said to help with depression and stress and it has the added benefit of being good for various skin afflictions — which is perfect for these winter months. Lavender is one of the most popular oils as it has a great floral scent and is known for its calming scent. It is believed to help reduce stress and tension, so it is a great product to use in your bath before bed.
The final element in creating your perfect bath is determining how you want to spend your time there. It can be as simple as enjoying your own thoughts or granting yourself permission to think about absolutely nothing. But you can also choose to read that book you haven’t had the time to sit down with, or listen to your favourite music. This is your chance to unwind in whichever way you want, so make it count!
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