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Ways to love your work

They say that if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. But no matter what line of work you’re in, there’s bound to be days when you aren’t motivated to do your job. Ensure you have more good days than bad with these simple tips.

Make connections

Work can be infinitely more enjoyable when there are people there you are excited to see every day. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with someone you’ve never spoken to before. Ask those around you how they are doing, and you just might find someone you really get along with. Being able to chat with your co-workers at break time can really perk up your mood for the rest of the day.

Set goals

It is always easier to find motivation when you have a goal in sight. Perhaps you want to meet a deadline sooner than your boss thought you would be able to. Or maybe you want to show a co-worker you are capable of something he wasn’t so sure about. It could even be something as simple as using less paper or creating a more organized workspace. Whatever keeps you eager to continue moving forward is a great thought to stay focused on.

Focus on your strengths

With any given job, there are going to be tasks you enjoy doing and tasks you are less fond of. Though it’s important to give each and every task the effort it deserves, it’s OK to recognize which assignments you prefer. By recognizing those tasks you look forward to, you can schedule your day in a way that is more appealing. Rather than getting frustrated with a task that irritates you and resorting to staring into space or playing computer solitaire, give yourself 5–10 minutes to work on something you enjoy or feel you are good at. Alternatively, you can tell yourself that if you power through the less enjoyable task, you can spend the last hour of the day on the one you like. Knowing yourself and what you feel you’re good at can do wonders for making your workday more enjoyable.

Speak your mind

Resentment toward your job, your boss or your co-workers can really get to you if you don’t vocalize your thoughts. If you choose to sit with your frustrations rather than make an effort to change what is bothering you, you will likely only get more irritated. But if you come up with constructive ways in which to speak your mind or implement changes, you may be able to put a stop to the problem. Naturally some issues may have to be approached carefully and with a good amount of tact, but you should never feel powerless. Speak your mind respectfully and clearly, and whatever’s been driving you crazy might disappear just like that!

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