That’s right, we skipped work to see it! After reading The Hunger Games Trilogy as if our lives depended on it, gripping the books for dear life, we thought it appropriate to play hooky and catch the movie to see how it stacks up on the big screen.
our game on
we thought it appropriate to play hooky and
catch the movie to see how it stacks up on the
big screen. Find out: Did it live up to the book?
What’s the scene you just can’t miss? And the
cast: Did Jennifer Lawrence light up as
Katniss, the girl on fire?
It stuck to the book’s story line and stole our hearts with every scene… (for the most part)! Though we’re in favor of the book, we’re already planning our trip to the second film!
Joanie Segall
What I thought overall:
I really enjoyed it. I’m glad I read the book first and the movie surprisingly fit perfectly with the story I had in my mind.
Team Peeta or Team Gale?: Peeta started to grow on me, but I’m still team Gale. If this were real life, she would pick Gale — every time.
The scene best adapted into film:
Spoiler alert! My favorite scene was when Rue died and we saw District 11’s reaction. It was a beautiful blend of both the first and second books.
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
Katniss and Cinna didn’t hook up. I mean, it was headed there.
Who stole the show:
Peeta really surprised me. I think Jennifer Lawrence did a great job, but Peeta came out of left field a little bit for me.
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
Hunger Games. Hands down. I can’t believe I wasted my life on Twilight.
Lauren Swanson
What I thought overall:
I was riveted, start to finish. You know a movie is good when your bladder is full ¼ of the way in and you choose to wait till the end credits to go to the restroom.
Team Peeta or Team Gale?:
Peeta for the winnnnnn! (But I would totally do a Peeta and Gale sandwich, if it were socially acceptable).
The scene best adapted into film:
The “Girl on Fire” scene. Also, the countdown scene pretty much took my breath away.
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
WTH? Why did they change the mockingjay scene? Boooo.
Who stole the show:
Seriously, everyone did an off-the-charts amazing acting job. Peeta’s character by far surprised me. Um, HELLO, those eyes. But Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss really stole the show. Bravo.
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
Crystal Patriarche
What I thought overall:
Seeing this amazing novel, that I’ve read more than once and read with my family, come to life in the theater was an exciting, edge-of-your-seat experience.
Book versus the movie:
If you’ve read the book there’s an entire deeper appreciation, experience and level of engagement. Though the movie was amazing — and very true to the book — hands down the novel wins.
The scene best adapted into film:
I loved the way the Capitol came to life with the costumes, the color, the crazy over-the-top, over indulgent Capitol people.
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
Gale wasn’t on screen more. I wanted to see more of him!
Who stole the show:
Jennifer Lawrence for sure — she was perfect as Katniss. I also adored Lenny Kravitz as Cinna and Elizabeth Banks as Effie was nearly unrecognizable!
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
Catherine Conelly
What I thought overall:
Homerun! There were a few minor explanations missing in the movie but overall, I was squeezing my fists together the whole time, despite knowing how it ends.
Team Peeta or Team Gale?:
Though I was more impressed with Peeta then expected, I can’t stop thinking about Gale and how tall, dark, handsome and perfect for me he is!
The scene best adapted into film:
Katniss running from the fire attack of the gamemakers. On the flipside, I was disappointed with the first kissing scene between Peeta and Katniss; she could have really gone for it!
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
They kept the gore under control, but the visuals of young kids becoming lifeless was slightly shocking.
Who stole the show:
I was surprised and impressed by Peeta, but Jennifer Lawrence was perfect for Katniss. I can’t think of someone better for the role!
Alison Bills
What I thought overall:
Since I haven’t read the book yet (I know, I know), this was fresh, and completely new for me. I was literally on the edge of my seat curled up in a little ball with knots in my stomach. I empathized with Katniss immediately and fell completely in love with her. Loved the movie!
Team Peeta or Team Gale?:
The scene best adapted into film:
My favorite scene of the movie is when Katniss teams up with Rue.
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
That Liam Hemsworth isn’t in more movies. Also the careers were so vicious and seemed like they were looking forward to killing everyone.
Who stole the show:
Jennifer Lawrence, hands-down. She was absolutely incredible.
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
Hunger Games. I’m not into vampires, sorry.
Christina Haller
What I thought overall:
First off, I did not read the book. The genre of the film is listed as action, drama and sci-fi, and I have to ask how is hunting humans not categorized as horror? Nevertheless, I’m prepared for my lashing: I did not love the movie.
If you didn’t read the book:
I found the movie confusing in parts. What did the three finger salute mean? Was smokin’ hot Liam Hemsworth Katniss’ boyfriend? Was it just Peeta’s strategy to say he had a crush on Katniss? We only see two parachutes fall the entire time! How utterly useless were these sponsors? What was the time frame here; how long were they playing The Hunger Games?
Team Peeta or Team Gale?:
Gale. He’s pretty.
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
Peeta didn’t kill anyone. Physically, she carried the team. So emasculating.
Who stole the show:
Jennifer Lawrence. She was stunning and convincing.
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
Twilight, Twilight, Twilight!
Jaime Fowler
What I thought overall:
I really enjoyed the story line but the visuals and fashion of the Capitol really did it for me. Love, love, loved the colors!
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
We can’t wear eyelashes like that every day! So bummed down.
Who stole the show:
Fashion of the Capitol.
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
Brianna Martinez
What I thought overall:
I was impressed with the acting more than I thought I would be. Overall, the movie exceeded my expectations for it.
The scene best adapted into film?:
The scene where Katniss volunteers for Prim.
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
Where was Madge?!
Who stole the show:
Jennifer Lawrence
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
The Hunger Games… because there is no such thing as a vampire, duh.
Jessica Marinucci
What I thought overall:
I was not disappointed. A few tidbits weren’t completely explained to the extent they were in the book, but the story followed perfectly and the important things were all there. I was completely captivated and want to see it again. Now.
Team Peeta or Team Gale?:
Team Gale. Every time I thought I was starting to switch over to team Peeta, they flashed to Gale’s strong, yet sad and endearing eyes and I melted. If Katniss chooses Peeta, I’d be happy to comfort and console Gale.
The scene best adapted into film:
The scene where Peeta blended in with the ground. The makeup job was immaculate and if I hadn’t read the book, I almost wouldn’t have realized it was Peeta at first. That, and the fire dress that swirled flames while Katniss was spinning. I want one.
Spoiler alert! I can’t believe that:
Haymitch never fell off the stage and he and Katniss didn’t bump heads as much as they should have. He was almost likable from the start.
Who stole the show:
Everyone. Everything about Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) was exactly as I had imagined and every other character really blew my mind. Oh, and Stanley Tucci was a phenomenal Caesar.
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
No question — The Hunger Games. I can’t wait for the next movie. I could barely make it through the first Twilight.
Paige Weinke
What I thought overall:
The movie was two and a half hours long but I walked out wanting more!
Book versus the movie:
Book was amazing, a page turner no doubt. It was romantic, energizing and I never wanted to put it down. The movie was thrilling and I caught myself holding my breath but overall I have to choose book.
Team Peeta or Team Gale?:
Both! Seriously, I can’t decide.
The scene best adapted into film:
The reaping was exactly as I imagined!
Who stole the show:
Katniss! I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
Which was better, Twilight or The Hunger Games?:
The Hunger Games!
Though you might be confused at some moments, the action will keep you tense and wondering what’s next. Some scenes won’t run as deep without the ability to connect to the meaning further explained in the book. Still see it, don’t over analyze; and enjoy the show!
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