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The pros of self-employment

If you have the self-discipline and the drive, being your own boss can be a fantastic option for you, with numerous perks to enjoy.

Many of us dream of being our own bosses. And indeed, there are many, many advantages to it. Read on, and you’ll be even more tempted to become an entrepreneur.

You don’t need an office wardrobe

When you work from home, you don’t need to dress in conservative office attire. If you have to meet with clients, you will still need some career wear to look professional, but you can get by with much fewer outfits. Most days you can plug away in front of your computer in your PJs or loungewear.

You save on commute time and money

When all you have to do is walk over to your home office, you gain the time you would lose fighting traffic or taking public transit to and from work. Think of all the additional things you can get done in that time.

You don’t have to count vacation days

You no longer have to submit a vacation day request form. In fact, you don’t have to even count your vacation days, as it’s all up to you as to when you want to take time off.

You make your own hours

You don’t have to force yourself to wake up and rush to get to work for 9 a.m. anymore. You can work through the night if that’s when you’re most productive! Want to take a nap in the middle of the afternoon? Go ahead. You dictate your schedule.

You’re in charge of how much money you make

There’s no one to ask for a raise, and you don’t have to have a list justifying how much of a raise you deserve. How much income you make lies in how much work you put into your business. If you decide taking a month off is more of a priority than making money, that’s at your discretion. Or if you want to pour all your energy into raking in as much as possible by completing as many projects as you can, go right ahead.

You don’t have to deal with office politics

The office bully, the backstabbing colleague, the rumour mill — all personalities and scenarios you no longer have to deal with, since you now work in a grand old office of one. Hallelujah!

More on career

Quit your job with class
Take advantage of social media to boost your job hunt
Keeping your work and home life separate

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