With so many drawers and cupboards, it’s easy to collect clutter in the kitchen. But that can make it next to impossible to get things done in a productive manner. Read on to find out which items simply need to go.
Products that don’t work
We’ve all fallen victim to marketing campaigns that have caused us to buy products that don’t work as well as we would like, but it seems like a waste to toss a nearly full product. If you can find an alternative use for it — for example, if it works well for a very specific task — then keep it around. But if it’s going to wind up expiring and getting thrown out years down the line, better to cut your losses now and make room for products that actually work.
Old cleaning products
In today’s world, we are all highly conscious of doing what’s right for the environment and not being wasteful — and that’s a great thing! But it’s also important to ask yourself if you will realistically use such old products as sponges, brushes and cloths again. If they have served their purpose well and are too overused to serve anymore, toss them.
Ancient devices
Every once in a while, a really great device you’ve relied on for years breaks or becomes unusable. You buy a new one, but just can’t seem to let that old one go, and suddenly your drawers are filled with dull peelers, bent ice cream scoops and broken-down slicers. It may be upsetting to toss them, but ask yourself this: Is that extra minute of rifling through the drawer every time you need something worth it? Probably not. You need only one of each device, so let the old ones go.
Odd dishes
Whether it’s that wierd-looking serving platter or bizarre kiddie cup, we all have a few odd plates, bowls and dishes sitting around the kitchen. It may be that their shapes are impractical, or it could be that the colours aren’t to your taste, but whatever the reason, if you aren’t using it at least once or twice a year, it doesn’t need to be in your kitchen. If the piece is still usable, consider placing it in a location dedicated to items for your next yard sale. Or if you’re ready to get rid of it now, donate it to your local Goodwill.
Canned or boxed foods
If you have an eye for a bargain, chances are you’ve spotted cans of food on sale over the years and bought them simply because they were a good deal. But then you find you aren’t really a fan of canned asparagus or tins of tuna, and rather than being put to use, those great deals wind up sitting in your pantry for months or even years. Pull out all the cans you’ve been holding on to for over three or four months. Ask yourself if you will realistically use them within the next few weeks. If not, consider donating them to your local food bank, where someone will get use out of them. Then you can make room for other important items!
more on decluttering
3 Tips on how to declutter your home
Eliminating bathroom clutter
Childhood memorabilia: What to keep and what can go
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