Keep your money local by using these great gadgets made by Canadian companies.
support the local economy
If you want to support this great country, we suggest patronizing the companies below by buying some of the products we’ve listed here.
BlackBerry phone
The BlackBerry phone was originally released in 1999 and forever revolutionized the mobile cellphone market. Research In Motion (recently renamed to BlackBerry) is the creator of this revolutionary phone and is ready to reinvent the brand with the new BlackBerry 10.
The first graphics software for Windows was created by the Canadian-based company Corel. Today, Corel boasts 100 million users and a wide range of top-selling software products, including WinZip, WordPerfect Office, CorelDRAW and PaintShop Pro.
Teledyne DALSA products
Teledyne DALSA is a leader in digital imaging and semiconductors. Although most of its products are subassemblies of final products manufactured by other companies, patronizing companies that use Teledyne DALSA as a supplier will help keep Canada’s economy booming.
Eurocom Scorpius gives high marks to the Eurocom Scorpius notebook computer. The Scorpius computer is built for top performance. The Eurocom brand focuses on manufacturing custom-made notebooks built with the highest-quality components.
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The “Oh Canada!” Issue
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