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Can’t Afford an iPad for Pops? Make Him This iDad Father’s Day Card Instead

Look, we’d all love to have the cash to buy our dad a brand-new iPad for Father’s Day. He totally deserves it, but even an older model is going to set you back a few hundo. So we’re setting up a little piggy bank fund to shell out some cash for the gadget next year — and making a super-cute iDad Father’s Day card he’ll totally appreciate in the meantime.

This easy-to-make card is also perfect for dads who already have — and are totally obsessed with — an iPad.


  • 2 pieces 8-1/2 x 11-inch black card stock or construction paper
  • 1 piece 8-1/2 x 11-inch white card stock or copy paper
  • iDad card template
  • iDad envelope template
  • Cutting mat
  • X-Acto knife
  • Scissors
  • Newspaper
  • Glue stick
  • Spray glue
  • Images of icons
  • Photos, optional
  • Large envelope, optional


Step 1: Print templates 1 and 2 and cut out the front and back pieces of the card (the black card stock/construction paper) with template 1.

More: 12 Beachy Father’s Day Gifts That’ll Kick Dad’s Summer Off With a Bang

Step 2: Use template 2 to cut out the inside of the card (using the white card stock/paper).

Step 3: Glue the white piece to one of the black pieces and set it aside.

Step 4: Locate images to use as your icons on the iDad card. We bought these on You could also do a Google image search for icons — look for medium-sized images for better quality. Save the images and import them into a Word doc, reducing them to consistent size (about 1-1/2 inches x 1-1/2 inches).

Step 5: If you are going to put photos underneath your flaps, assemble them in a Word doc, the same way and the same size as the icons.

Step 6: Cut out the icons and the photos.

Step 7: Spread out some newspapers to protect your work surface. Arrange the icons on the other piece of black card stock/paper and glue them down. Let dry for a couple of minutes.

Next Up:Step 8: Create lift-up flaps

Originally published June 2012. Updated June 2017.

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