Dads are great for many reasons, but one of the most important is the fact that they have a lot to teach us. Here are a few of our favourite lessons from Dad.
It’s OK to make mistakes
The thing about dads is that they’re often more comfortable letting kids find their own way than feeling the need to monitor their every move. This healthy approach to making mistakes can help us immensely as adults and lift some of that pressure that can lead to stress. If you veer off course or take a wrong turn, think of Dad and how he might just say it’s all part of the learning process. Pick yourself up, and dust yourself off just like Dad would do.
Balancing work and play is important
Dads work hard, but they’re also totally fine with kicking back with a beer and a hockey game or planning a poker night with friends after a long week. Women often have a harder time allowing themselves to take “me time,” but dads do it right. Everyone deserves downtime and the chance to really unwind and de-stress in whatever way makes them happiest.
If you don’t ask, you don’t get
Just because you want something doesn’t mean it’s going to fall from the sky directly into your lap. If you want something — a raise, a promotion, your dream job — then it’s up to you to go out and try to get it. Dads are great at asking for what they want and being direct about it rather than beating around the bush or hoping someone reads their minds. The next time you set your sights on something, take a dad approach, and go right for it.
Over-thinking something can just make it worse
Dads don’t often stew about an issue long after it’s over or think about a matter so long that it just gets more muddled. They are more inclined to acting versus over-thinking and are much more likely to let things go once an issue is discussed. Keep anxiety at bay and stress levels in check by being more like Dad and letting go of anything you can’t control. If it doesn’t serve you, then drop it.
Surface stuff doesn’t really matter
Hair, nails, the right outfit — not really a dad’s domain. Sure, dads can be stylish, but most don’t obsess over how they look or whether someone will notice they wore the same shirt two days in a row. Looking good can make you feel good, but not when it’s all you think about. Appearance isn’t everything, and that seems to be something most dads inherently know.
Competition can be good for you
When Dad signed you up for your first soccer or Little League team, he was helping to instill a sense of healthy competition in you. Dads are often more inclined toward competition, team sports and being OK with a desire to win. Take a page from his book, and know that you don’t need to run away from competition as an adult (whether you’re competing for a job or running a race). Embrace it as a way to boost confidence and, ideally, to get what you want.
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