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How to deal with a lousy teacher

If your child accuses his teacher of being lousy when – and only when – he or she brings home a sub par report card, that’s one thing. But if a child consistently complains about his teacher and does not seem to be learning anything, that’s another thing entirely. Here are a few tips to deal with a lousy teacher.

Step 1: Do some research

Talk to other parents in your child’s class. This will help you to determine whether or not the teacher is actually doing a poor job or if your child and the teacher are just not getting along.

Step 2: Talk to the teacher

Approach the teacher with the specific problems that your child is having. Keep in mind that the teacher may reveal several things that you did not know about your child’s performance and school, so be prepared.

Step 3: Keep an eye on the situation

If you come away from the meeting convinced that the teacher is the root of the problem, try volunteering more often at your student’s school so you can watch how your child’s teacher acts throughout the day.

Step 4: Come together with others

If you and other parents notice a consistent problem with the teacher, don’t hesitate to band together as concerned parents. This will help you have a better chance of doing something about the lousy teacher.

Step 5: Meet with administration

Get as many like-minded parents as possible to meet with the school’s administration about the problem. The more dissent the administration sees about a specific teacher, the more likely it is to do something about it.

Step 6: Switch your child out of class

You may find that getting any action taken against the teacher is difficult. If so, feel free to move your child out of that teacher’s class and into a new one. This may be the best solution for both parties if it is purely a case of conflicting personalities.

For more tips on lousy teachers, check this out:
When a teacher doesn’t like your child

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