Clean is important, but so is your health and the health of your family. Try these all-natural cleaning solution recipes to get your home clean while avoiding harsh chemicals.
These non-toxic cleaners are proven to clean as effectively as the leading brands, while allowing you to rid your home of harmful products that can be fatal if ingested by your children or pets.
All-purpose cleaner
What you will need:
- Vinegar
- Baking soda (or borax)
- Water
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/4 cup of baking soda (or substitute 2 teaspoons of borax for baking soda) in 2 liters of water. Store any remaining mixture. Apply to a cloth or sponge and clean away!
Air freshener
What you will need:
- One lemon
Slice a lemon into quarters and grind one slice up in the garbage disposal. Be sure to run the garbage disposal with the faucet on before putting the lemon in to make sure there is no other food in it.
What you will need:
- Borax
- Vinegar
- Water
- Liquid castile soap (optional)
Combine 2 teaspoons of borax, 4 tablespoons of vinegar and 3 cups of hot water. For extra disinfecting power, add 1/4 teaspoon of liquid castile soap. Apply to a damp cloth for use.
Toilet bowl cleaner
What you will need:
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- Lemon juice
Combine 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 cup vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Pour the mixture into toilet bowl and let sit several minutes before scrubbing with a toilet brush.
Laundry detergent
What you will need:
- Ivory soap
- Washing soda (Try Arm & Hammer’s All Natural Super Washing Soda)
- Borax
Combine 1 cup of Ivory soap, 1/2 cup washing soda, and 1/2 cup borax in a resealable bottle. Use 1 teaspoon for smaller loads and 2 teaspoons for larger ones. Store and reuse the rest of the mixture.
More cleaning how-tos
How to remove stains
How to clean suede
How to get pet stains out
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