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How to chalk blonde hair

Hair chalking is a hot way to add vibrant color to your hair without any commitment. Chalking blonde hair is the same as with any other color hair, except you shouldn’t wet your hair before applying the color. Follow these steps to get beautifully colored ends in every shade of the rainbow.

Step 1: Gather your supplies

You don’t need much for hair chalking, just soft pastel chalks (you can find them at Michael’s), rubber gloves and a flat iron.

Step 2: Select your chalk colors

For blondes, any color can work, but hair chalking looks great in shades of blue (which will come out an aqua shade), pink and purple. If you are a darker blonde, go for more deep or vibrant shades of chalk.

Step 3: Apply the color

For blondes, you don’t need to saturate your hair with water before apply the chalk. If your hair is wet, it may cause the chalk to stain your hair — so make sure your hair is dry or only slightly damp. Pin up the top layers of your hair, so you can start chalking the sections underneath.

Step 4: Twist it

Take a one-inch section of hair and twist it. Using as many colors as you like, rub the chalk onto the hair starting with the lightest color first. Apply the chalk only near the ends — not up near your roots. Repeat with additional sections and continue applying the color to achieve the look you desire.

Step 5: Seal the color

To make the color last, use a flat iron to seal in the chalk. Don’t worry, it will wash right out if you don’t like it.

Step 6: Avoid the brush

After your have chalked your hair, avoid brushing it as you’ll make a big mess and lose most of the color on the brush. Also, be sure to steer clear of anywhere where you might get wet — or else your clothes are going to end up covered with chalk.

Hair chalking video tutorial

For more tips on hair chalking for blondes, watch this video tutorial from HauteBrilliance.

More about how to chalk your hair

Hair chalking tips and images
How to chalk brown hair
How to chalk red hair
How to chalk black hair

Image: Courtesy of HauteBrilliance

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