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How to get in shape: push-ups and glute squeeze

The new year is approaching, and that means it’s time to start drafting those fitness and health resolutions. Goals are easier to accomplish if you have a set routine that delivers fast and consistent results. Add this move to your fitness routine for a great full-body workout.

The push-up and glute squeeze is a compound movement that involves many large muscle groups. Compound movements are great for full-body toning and provide faster results than a standard exercise using only one group. This move works the glutes, triceps and strengthens the core muscles, the three muscle groups that women want to tone the most.

Step 1: 

Start in a push-up position. If you can’t support your full weight, you can rest your knees on the floor to modify the movement. Keeping your core tight, perform a push-up.

Step 2:

After you do the push-up, bring your knees up from the ground into a plank position. Raise one leg and pulse it up and down five times. Then switch legs and repeat the movement.

Step 3:

Go back to push-up position and repeat the set at least five times for a good workout.

Incorporating compound movements such as these into your workout will help you meet your fitness goals. Work out at least three times a week and eat smart to ensure the best results.

Happy resolution-making!

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