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Deep cleaning for your bathroom

Get the dirtiest room in your house clean in no time flat.

Make your
bathroom shine

Get the dirtiest room in your house clean in no time flat.

Let’s face it, ladies. Not everything that goes down in your bathroom is pretty. When it’s time to clean that room, you need to get serious, and you need methods that work.

Step 1: Clean your mirrors

Every bathroom has a mirror or two, and you want yours to sparkle. Meg Roberts, president of Molly Maid, shares her secrets for making glass shine.

“For non-smearing mirrors or windows, try a combination of one gallon of water to 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol and about two squirts of dish soap. Pour it into a sprayer bottle, and this cleans windows like you have never seen!” she says.

Step 2: Clean your shower liners

That shower liner can get pretty grubby after a while. You don’t need to pitch it, though! Colin Bishop, CEO and president of The Maids, recommends throwing yours in the washing machine or scrubbing it with warm, soapy water. If you use your machine, throw a few heavy towels in with it, and then hang it back up in the shower to drip-dry.

Step 3: Clean your counters

Get your counters to shine with this handy tip from Gosia Baran, owner of Helping Hands Maid Services. “Dip half a lemon in borax, scrub surfaces and rinse,” she shares. Those countertops will sparkle like new!

Step 4: Clean your bathtub

No matter how hard you scrub, that ring around the tub is impossible to deal with sometimes. Cleaning enthusiast Barbara Williamson has an easy (and cheap!) solution to that problem.

“I have found nothing more effective than baking soda and white vinegar. I had stains on my bathtub that I had used every commercial cleaner known, some of them highly toxic, and still had the stains,” she says. “Then I remembered my mother was a big believer in white vinegar and baking soda. So I soaked a sponge in white vinegar, poured baking soda on the sponge and went to town. The stains disappeared completely!”

Step 5: Multitask

We’re all busy, so there’s nothing wrong with taking a shortcut every now and then! Carrie Rocha blogs at Pocket Your Dollars, and has a great tip for getting two things done at once!

“As a busy mom, I’m all about multitasking. I spray cleaner into the shower, then bring a rag with me and scrub it down while I take a shower. Two birds. One stone.”


Keep an open box of baking soda in a cabinet or behind
your toilet to absorb odor.

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