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Create a piggy bank from a recycled water bottle

It’s never too early to learn how to save money. Martha Stewart creates a fun way to get children involved in saving loose change with bottle piggy banks. Not only does this craft encourage saving money, but it also shows how to recycle by using old water bottles!

recycle old water bottles and save money

It’s never too early to learn how to save money. Here’s a fun way to get children involved in saving loose change with bottle piggy banks. Not only does this craft encourage saving money, but it also shows how to recycle by using old water bottles!

What you’ll need:

  • Scissors
  • Colored and patterned paper
  • Water bottles
  • White craft glue
  • Pig ear templates
  • Utility knife
  • Black puffy paint
  • Wooden beads
  • Ruler



Measure and cut

Using a colored paper of your choice, cut a long wide strip to wrap around the bottle. Use glue to hold paper in place on the bottle.


Draw and cut

Draw the inner and out piggy ear shapes with the paper of your choice. Once you have cut out the different ear shapes,  glue the inner ear shape to the outer ear shape. Then bend back the bottom part of the ear and glue it to the upper side of the bottle.


Add the snout

Cut a circle out of pink paper that is the circumference of the bottle cap and glue it onto the bottle top to create the pig’s snout. Use black puffy paint to create eyes and nostrils.


Add the feet

Use wooden beads as the feet by gluing them to the bottom of the bank. Make sure to let the beads fully dry before placing the piggy bank upright.


Create the bank!

Cut a slit on the top of the bottle for coins using your utility knife or box cutter. Strict parental supervision is required during this step.

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