What is it?
Asbestos is a fiber with insulating and fireproofing properties found in older building materials; its use was banned in 1989.
Where it can be found in your home
It can be in ceiling tiles, floor tiles, and more.
Why it’s dangerous
When you disturb materials containing asbestos, either by making repairs, e.g., sawing, drilling and cutting, or by remodeling, asbestos becomes airborne. Inhaling asbestos has been linked to lung cancer, mesothelioma (a cancer of the lining of the chest and the abdominal cavity), and asbestosis (scarred lungs), according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
How to detect it and protect your family
As long as they are in good condition, materials known to have asbestos are best left alone; don’t disturb the materials, and you’ll keep asbestos out of the air. Keep an eye out for damage, though, and hire a professional if you plan to remodel or make repairs.
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