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Women dish on their most embarrassing beauty blunders

And you thought a little lipstick on your teeth at the dinner table was a big deal? Psh! Just wait until you read about these girls’ embarrassing beauty blunders. If they survived the shame, trust us, so will you.

So awkward

And you thought a little lipstick on your teeth at the dinner table was a big deal? Psh! Just wait until you read about these girls’ embarrassing beauty blunders. If they survived the shame, trust us, so will you.


I shaved my brows

“In tenth grade, I hadn’t yet been indoctrinated to the concept of the eyebrow tweeze or wax, so I decided to shave my eyebrows, as there was some extra growth that was a teeny bit unibrow-ish. I got a little out-of-control and shaved too much, leaving a big space between my brows. I’ll never forget one of the popular boys looking at me in class and asking, ‘Did you shave your eyebrows?’ I was mortified.” — Sarah S., 40


I put on the wrong makeup in the dark

“One evening I had to rush to a client’s office during a snow storm and made the mistake of freshening up my makeup in the dark car. I then proceeded into the client’s office. After an hour-long working session, I left but became stuck in the snow. A policeman drove up to help me, and without question, just told me to let him take care of it, saying I obviously had a hard day. He got into my car and managed to dislodge it from the snowdrift. He told me to go home and get some rest as he drove away. Once he left, I checked the mirror to remove wet snow from my face and realized that when I had freshened up my makeup earlier, I had accidentally put blush (dark rouge) instead of light eyeshadow on my eyes! I looked like a little worn-out raccoon! I laughed until I cried all the way home!” — Sherry B., 50


I had an allergic reaction to my mascara

“About 10 years ago, a friend raved about a well-known brand of mascara. In search of long and luscious lashes, I purchased it to use for a big black tie event I was attending. I got dressed, did my makeup and applied the mascara. As we were driving to the event, I felt a slight tingling around my eyes and fell asleep in the car on the way there. When we arrived at the event, my husband gave me a weird look. Come to find out, I was allergic to the mascara and my eyes had swollen almost completely shut. We turned around and went straight to urgent care. I never made it to the event, ugh!” — Barbara Clarke Ruiz, 38


I accidentally dyed my hair the color of a witch’s

“My most embarrassing beauty blunder was around 11 years ago when I was just beginning to explore the more natural side of beauty. I had long used chemical hair dyes to dye my locks everything from reddish brown to blond (I’m naturally a brunette). I wanted to try henna because I’d heard it was the most natural alternative to hair dye available. I went with a brown colored henna kit. It ended up turning my hair a grayish black with green undertones, and it became a pile of dry straw, undoubtedly because I didn’t know what I was doing! So I had witch-colored hair for quite a while until the dye ran its course! On the upside, this was around the time I met my now-husband. I guess the hair didn’t bother him that much, although later on he did confess to me that he wondered why my hair was so ‘harsh’ looking!” — Danna S., 38


I had fuchsia lipstick on my teeth on TV

“I was a guest on a local news station as a beauty expert. While I was talking about beauty tips and must-haves, the host kept dramatically licking her teeth when the camera was off her. And then when I kept missing her silent cues, she just said, ‘You have lipstick on your teeth.’ It was fuchsia. Awesome.” — Kendra S.

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