There are many ways to describe hair: Crimped, kinky, layered, sleek, trendy, straight, tinted, cropped, and the list goes on. But how do you know when your hairstyle isn’t working for you anymore? We asked the experts how to tell if good hair has gone bad.
It’s just not working
“A bad hair day can throw off a whole day’s work,” says stylist Rachel Janese of the Johnathan Breitung Salon. “Whether you style your hair every day or are a wash-and-go kind of girl, it is important that the haircut you have is maintainable with your lifestyle. If you find you are struggling through your tried-and-true daily routine to get your hair right, and it just isn’t working anymore, it may be time for a change.”
it doesn’t enhance your face
Image consultant Christina Logothetis, an image consultant who works with professional women and blogs at The Style of Politics, says to women, “When you look in the mirror, does your face look rounder or more gaunt than it used to? A new hairstyle can help. Your face shape can change as you age or gain and lose weight, and your hairstyle should evolve to complement that new shape.
It Needs a trim
Jennifer J., celebrity colorist and owner of Juan Juan Salons, says that if your blowdrying doesn’t seem to be working or your overall look lacks polish, your hair may need some attention. “If your ponytail looks very wispy, this means you need a haircut or trim in order to shape it,” she adds. “Ask your stylist. She is a professional and will take your face shape, lifestyle and amount of time available to style your hair in the morning [into account] and give you a great look with minimal effort.”
it takes Too much time
Dawn De Kruyf, former salon owner and current beauty advisor at Pure Elegance Spa and Salon in Los Angeles, offers several suggestions on how to identify that you hair isn’t working for you anymore. The first indicator is time. De Kruyf says that if you spend 30 minutes on your hair every morning and still aren’t thrilled, it’s time for some action. De Kruyf also says to notice others’ reactions to your look. If you usually get compliments on your tresses but all you’ve been hearing are lately are crickets, an update should be in your future.
it looks like everyone else’s hair
De Kruyf also warns that if you’re tying up your hair every day or reaching for your favorite hat, you might need a change. Another problem may be that you simply need an updated look. “If you watch an episode of Cops from 1994 and you realize that a girl has your haircut, it’s time to visit your stylist” (or, we might add, to start shopping for a new stylist).
More hair tips and tricks:
- Salon etiquette 101: How to tip and more
- 10 Things you should know before going blonde
- Liberation: Cut your hair short and love it!
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