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Educational field trip ideas

With school back in session, it’s time to start brainstorming educational ideas for field trips. Who says learning can’t be fun?

One of my greatest memories of childhood was going on field trips. Whether I went with my class or my family, I always loved breaking away from the normal routine and exploring the world around me. If you’re a teacher looking for ideas on fun ways to educate your students on a field trip or a mom wanting to get the kids out of the house for a bit, this educational field trip guide is for you!


Botanical gardens

With hundreds to choose from across the U.S., a botanical garden likely isn’t far from you no matter where you live. Spend the day strolling through beautiful gardens and learning everything there is to know about your regions’ plants and flowers. Kids love the exploring that’s involved and you’ll love the fresh air and scenery. With fall approaching, there’s no better time than now to check one out.

Click here for the 5 most beautiful botanical gardens in the U.S. >>


Grocery stores

Tip: Plan a scavenger hunt locating healthy items throughout the store.

Wait, say what?! We know you’re thinking there’s nothing exciting about the grocery store, and that kids typically visit them weekly, so what’s the point? We suggest taking an educational trip through your local grocery store to teach your kids everything there is to know about nutrition. Teach them the importance of understanding nutrition facts on food labels, how to choose healthy frozen foods and why the grocery store is laid out so strategically (for instance, healthy items are typically found along the perimeters of the store).


State capitol

Visit your state capitol or state capitol museum for a day and learn about the government and government policies in your state, both past and present. Admission is typically free. If you’re going with a large group, schedule a guided tour to make the most of the experience, but if it’s just you and a few kids, a guide may not be necessary. This trip is recommended for ages 8 and up.


The zoo

Zoos provide all-day fun and entertainment for every age. Learn about the animals and their habitats, go on rides and visit the gift shop. Most zoos in the U.S. are large and require an entire day if you wish to visit each exhibit, so plan on coming early and make sure to wear your walking shoes!

Top 8 zoos for kids >>


Libraries or bookstores

Read the afternoon away by taking a trip to your local library or bookstore. Sit with your kids, each with a favorite book in hand, and then have each child tell a shorter version of the story once they’re done reading. For older kids, ask them a historical or scientific question and challenge them to find the answer in a book — instead of our current method of researching (Google).

How to make anything educational

Learning doesn’t stop once the field trip is over. As a parent, it’s important to continually be teaching our kids valuable lessons each day, whether it’s about behavior, how to treat others or developing good money habits. View each day as an opportunity to teach our kids something new. It can be a simple challenge, like seeing how many times they can say “please” or “thank you” in a day, or a more complex challenge, such as calculating savings on a weekly shopping trip.

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What was your last educational field trip? Share in the comments below!

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