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Skin guru: Old-school skin routines that still work

New skin care “must-haves” are coming onto the market every day, each promising miracles. But the best methods are the tried-and-true tricks our mothers, grandmothers and other elders have passed down from generation to generation. Here are a few of our favorite old-school skin routines that are still totally valid.

Cold cream

According to historians, cold creams have been around since second-century Greece! The Greeks knew what was up because cold cream — an emulsion of water, oil and certain fats — still works today. And it’s cost-effective, too! There are a few options available in the grocery store skin care aisle. Cold creams work great to remove makeup and cleanse aging and dry skin.

Oil-cleansing method (OCM)

The oil-cleansing method combats oil with oil and maintains a proper skin moisture balance. There is a list of common oils used to remove makeup and cleanse skin, from extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) to jojoba. Before implementing a new oil into your skin care routine, be sure to look up its comedogenic level online. The comedogenic scale rates oils from 1 to 5, with 5 being most likely to clog pores. Different oils work for different people, so find your balance and look up reviews from people with similar skin types on forums like MakeupAlley.

Honey masks

It sounds insane. Why would you want something sticky on a face full of clogged pores!? But it actually works. Putting raw manuka honey on your skin draws out impurities, plus the honey has antibacterial properties. That makes it an effective acne remedy, and some people swear by it. Fans of this method claim that manuka honey with bio actives of 14+ works best. You can find manuka honey online or in natural food stores.

Clay masks

Clay masks work as they dry, drawing out impurities that would otherwise clog pores and cause acne. The Clarisonic Deep Pore Detoxifying Solution comes with a deep-cleansing brush and a clay mask to minimize pores — perfect for removing core clogging impurities.

Aspirin masks

Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory that works on our insides and our outsides, so it makes sense that an aspirin mask can help reduce the swelling of acne. Uncoated aspirin is a must for this mask. Usually, uncoated aspirin isn’t labeled “uncoated” in the grocery store. Rather, it simply isn’t labeled “coated,” and it’s likely the cheapest variety of aspirin you can buy.

Crush 5–7 pills and then add enough distilled water to them to make a thick, spreadable paste. Add one tablespoon of honey if you wish. The combination will moisturize and calm skin.

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