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The student mom: How to maximize study time

As if moms don’t already have enough on their plate, you have to find time to hit the books, too. Yeah, right! Fear not, mama. You can conquer those study sessions and still have enough hours left in the day to be Supermom by maximizing your study time.

You’re a busy lady. As a mom and a student, it seems like you always have something to do and somewhere to be. Most days, you probably only have a tiny amount of time to dedicate to studying. Make sure you get the most out of those precious minutes with these tips to help you maximize your study time.

Don’t multitask

Seriously. We know you can do it all. That doesn’t mean you have to do it all at the same time! Stop trying to study while you make dinner, check your email, talk to your mom and help your kids with their homework. If your brain is busy doing other things, you’ll miss half of what you should be taking in.

Make some alone time

We know, the thought of “alone time” is almost laughable to most moms, but it’s what you need. You’re not going to be productive if you have to break away from the books every five minutes to make a snack, settle a disagreement, kiss a boo-boo or change a diaper. If you don’t get alone time during the day, create it. Wake up an hour before the kiddos and study while you enjoy your morning coffee, or crack open the books after the kids go to bed. If that won’t work, get someone to babysit for an hour while you study in a local cafe or library.

Shut out social networks

Nothing bad will happen if you abandon Facebook for an hour, we promise. Close those Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest tabs, and don’t open them again until you’ve finished your study session. Compulsively reading through news feeds and pinning tasty desserts may keep you in the loop, but it does nothing for your GPA. It’s best to stay offline completely while you study, but if your studying requires the internet, stick to only the sites you need. You’ll get done in half the time, saving plenty of time for trolling social networks later.

Set a schedule

The hardest part of studying is always getting started. It’s one thing to sit down with your books, and another battle entirely to turn your brain on and focus. Create a schedule for studying. If you sit down to study at the same time every day, it’ll be easier to get into study mode.

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7 Ways to save time
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