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Black Friday beauty recovery

Black Friday isn’t for the faint of heart, and it can certainly do a number on our beauty. Recover from a crazy day of deal hunting with our tips!

Give your skin a little TLC

You likely didn’t get much, if any, sleep last night, and your skin’s probably screaming out for help. Do it a favor and apply a recovering facial mask. We love to use . The light feel of the mask gives our skin the extra love it needs, and we instantly feel brighter after washing it off.

Take care of your tootsies

After running around the malls like crazy women on Black Friday, our feet aren’t exactly the happiest campers on earth. Give them a little TLC and apply some moisturizing cream and then throw on Bliss’ Softening Socks. We swear by these incredible socks for days when our feet are too gnarly to even be seen by our closest relatives.

Handle your hair

We’re hoping you didn’t involve yourself in any wild Black Friday shopping fights, ladies, but we do know that it can get ugly out there. Whether you took part in a hair pulling match or are just in need of some hair TLC after a long day of shopping, indulge your locks in a hair masque. We couldn’t survive without our trusty Signature Moisture Masque from Oribe.

More Black Friday

The fashionista’s ultimate Black Friday survival guide
Black Friday beauty preparation
Safe shopping for Black Friday

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