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4 Ways to mentally prepare yourself for holiday mayhem

The holidays are here and it’s going to get a little hectic before it gets a little exciting! Find out how to deal with the madness and mentally prepare yourself before you freak out just a little.

Control your reaction to the situation

You can’t control every situation you encounter in life, but you can most certainly control your reaction! Before you even start to get wrapped up in holiday mayhem, remind yourself that you are in control of your emotions and that you’ll be able to get through any curve balls that this crazy (yet amazing) season throws at you.

Expect to get stressed

We all get a little bit stressed during the holiday season. Between the gift giving and the baking and the holiday party planning, it’s no wonder we even make it through with a smile on our faces! But if you go into the holiday season expecting to expect the unexpected and expecting to run into a few roadblocks, it’ll help soften your fall a bit.

Remember to stop and smell the peppermint

You know the phrase “remember to stop and smell the roses”? Well, it applies to the holiday season as well. Sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that we don’t even stop to really appreciate the exciting things that come along with it. If you go into the season reminding yourself to stop and enjoy the little things in the midst of the mayhem, it’ll help you prepare mentally and let you know that everything will work out a-ok.

Forgive yourself for any mistakes you make

We all beat ourselves up a little bit more during the holiday season. Whether we’re disappointed in ourselves because we couldn’t find the perfect gift for our loved ones, or we’re upset that we couldn’t pull off that holiday dinner like we expected, we need to be forgiving of our imperfections. We’re all under a lot of pressure around the holidays, so give yourself a break!

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