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Happy New Year: New way of LovingYou

Happy 2012! Now that we are finally all rested from the post-holiday exhaustion, it’s time to get focused on how you’re planning to increase respect for the most important element of your life: your body.

Think about all of the things you wouldn’t be able to do without your body. Breathe. Travel. Hug your kids, your boyfriend or your mama. Exercise. You get the picture. We often forget how important our body is to the basic functions in life. So, it’s time to get back to basics and develop a newfound respect for ourselves and our body.

The old saying goes, “Live to eat, not eat to live.” Balance is vitally important to so many things that we do and should be incorporated in the respect we have for ourselves. Enjoy the wine, cheese and desserts, but remember to practice moderation. Is eating intuitively so much easier said than done? Americans can find five hours a day to watch television, but they can’t take 20 minutes to sit down and enjoy their meal to know how full they are? Then, after they’ve gained weight, they become frustrated and want a quick fix because working out consistently is too difficult? It just doesn’t make sense.

You’re here on LovingYou because you have some desire to build your self-improvement and increase/secure your self-confidence. Now is the time to kick that into a higher gear and take the respect for your body to a new level. Anything that adds value takes time to create. Put the time in to create a consistent respect for yourself, so that your body can continue to provide you all of the things that you want out of life.

Why don’t you commit to doing something every single day for your body for this entire year? From simple things (like going for a 30 minute walk in your neighborhood or feeding your body real living foods for a whole day instead of something from a box), to getting a relaxing facial (even doing a homemade one!) or longer activities such as reading a great book on self-care (I highly recommend Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole), I promise you that it’s doable.

Turn off that TV and start thinking of your daily commitments! You can plan some of them out, or pick the morning of. Find a way that works for you, but remember: If you want your body to provide you all of the benefits of life, you have to respect it and make it a priority. Whichever way you choose, make it doable and stay dedicated. You’ll quickly see how beneficial it is.

Happy New Year! Enjoy each day!

Dr. Lyndsay Elliott is one of Southern California’s most prominent psychologists in her field of expertise. Dr. Lyndsay maintains her clinical practice in Newport Beach, California. As a food and body image expert for the last 15 years, Dr. Lyndsay is known for her breakthrough work with children, teens and young adults. She particularly enjoys consulting with parents to help develop a healthy self-image for their children. Dr. Lyndsay empowers individuals with her ease, strength and experience, ultimately propelling her patients into a new arena of growth, control and balanced living. Check out Dr. Lyndsay’s daily tips and blog at, on Twitter @DrLyndsay and Facebook at Dr. LyndsayElliott, Inc.

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