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Best skin care products for dry skin

Dry skin presents several problems including flaking, irritated areas and red, itchy patches. It can be difficult to keep dry skin moisturized and have a smooth finish under makeup. Fortunately, by using the right products and skin care routine, you should be able to tame your dry skin.

Dry skin care routine

  1. Even though your skin is dry, it is important to wash it twice daily to wash away flaking skin and stimulate the oil glands. Use cool water when washing your face because hot water actually dries out your skin. Choose a moisturizing cleanser that is in the form of a cream and contains hylauronic acid and glycerin. Gently message your face with the cleanser to activate oil glands and make sure to rinse your face well.
  2. Use a toner that does not contain alcohol and is specially made for dry skin. Dry skin toners help to moisturize and balance the skin while wiping away any dirt or make-up left behind after cleansing.
  3. Choose a moisturizer that is thick and creamy and made especially for dry skin. You may wish to use your moisturizer several times during the day to keep skin from drying out.
  4. Exfoliate skin at least 3 times a week to clear away dry, flaky skin. Use a product that is not harsh on the skin and has moisturizing potential.
  5. Try using a moisturizing mask once a week. It is beneficial for increasing moisture in your dry skin.

Products for dry skin

Finding the right products to care for your dry skin is as important as your skin care routine. Aveeno’s line of Smart Essential skin care products is made especially for dry, irritated skin. Their products include a gentle cleanser, day moisturizer, nighttime moisturizer and a gentle face scrub. Physician’s Formula also offers a complete line of cleansers, toners and day and night moisturizers for dry skin relief. They also offer a line of foundation and powder make-up that allows your face to stay moisturized all day while looking fresh and beautiful.

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