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Spring moisturizing guide

As spring officially unveils itself this season, you will do the same with your skin. Gorgeous temperatures and sunny days make spring one of the most beautiful seasons, but after your skin has been hiding under coats and long pants for the winter, you might not look too springy. Here are a few ways to make sure your skin is moisturized and in tip-top shape for spring.

Think about color

Sure, pale skin can be gorgeous, but if you’re the type to look better with a little color, there are some easy solutions that don’t require extended stays of spending time in harmful UV rays. If you want to get a touch of sunny color to your face and body, use a gradual tanning lotion. Unlike its Snooki-favored cousin — self-tanner — gradual tanning lotion lives up to its name. Rather than a blast of orange color, gradual tanning lotion slowly bronzes with extended use — cutting down on those nasty, artificial tan lines and dark splotches. You’ll be rocking those shorts in no time!

Focus on the phalanges

Your feet and hands have been trapped in gloves and boots for the winter. Now that it’s time to break them out for spring, they might not be looking their best. It’s time to deep-moisturize on problem areas. Heels, for example, tend to get chapped in springy summer sandals, thanks to the friction they cause between rubber and dermis. Win the chapped heel battle by rubbing in a thick, deep moisturizing lotion. Sometimes moisturizing feet can make you slip around in those strappy, open-toe shoes. Instead, moisturize feet before bed. Do the same with your chapped hands. Your skin will spend the night absorbing the lotion and you’ll wake up to glowing handsies and tootsies.

Protect Yourself

Now that you’ll be spending more time out in the sun, it’s time to think about protection. Using a lotion with a small amount of SPF will help prevent sunburns and premature aging with everyday use, but if you plan to spend some extended time out in the sun, make sure the SPF number is on the up and up. Plus, lotion sun block has the added benefit of moisturizing skin and putting a moisture barrier between your skin and the harsh sun.

Enlist extra help

If you have ashy elbows or knees, sometimes you know you need a little extra help from the moisturizing fairy. Wish granted! Body butter is a great way to add moisture to problem areas. Yes, body butter can be on the heavy side, but you don’t need to slather your entire body. Just keep it on those problem areas and watch how they transform into your favorite, glowing body parts.

Read more

Head-to-toe moisturizing tips
Pick the right moisturizer for your skin type
Moisturizer picks for combination skin

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