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Summer moisturizing guide

It’s officially summer, which means the skin you’ve managed to hide all these months has no choice but to come out. Rising temperatures meet energy-zapping humidity. The best thing you can do to bear it is to bare it! Break out those shorts and lovely short skirts. Our summer moisturizing guide will make sure your skin is in tip-top shape for exposure.

Summer skin

Stay hot with moisturizers

It’s officially summer, which means the skin you’ve managed to hide all these months has no choice but to come out. Rising temperatures meet energy-zapping humidity. The best thing you can do to bear it is to bare it! Break out those shorts and lovely short skirts. Our summer moisturizing guide will make sure your skin is in tip-top shape for exposure.

Use protection

Now that the weather is warm, odds are you’ll be spending extra time outside, lying by the pool or socializing with friends at the neighborhood barbeque. Always make sure you’re protected with SPF, whether you’re afraid of a sunburn or not. Many sunblocks these days offer great moisturizing ability on top of protection, so slather some on every day you think sun exposure is likely. This will help prevent premature aging and those pesky sunburns that can ruin your week.

Go light

If you’re facing harsh humidity or hazardously hot weather, odds are you won’t want to use a heavy cream on your face or body during the summer. It will just melt off as you sweat and will form an extra layer on your skin that will be pesky and greasy when it comes into contact with unusually high temperatures. Instead, opt for a moisturizer that is light and easily absorbed into the skin, especially on your face. If you apply makeup over a thick cream during the summer, the combination of the oil from your skin and humidity outdoors will make your beautiful makeup job disappear in hours. Head to your local beauty counter to test out the right moisturizer for your summer skin, or take a risk at the drugstore. Look for terms like “absorbs easily” and “light.”

Think about color

If you have naturally pale skin, you shouldn’t be afraid to rock it, but as you might notice while shopping for summer clothes, bright colors and white are in style. That means you need a skin tone that complements those bold colors. Rather than spending hours in the sun damaging your skin, reach for a gradual tanning lotion. Unlike normal sunless tanners, gradual tanners live up to their name. They slowly build color until you find a shade that’s perfect for you.

Fingers and toes

Your hands and feet will see much more exposure this summer, so keep them in tip-top shape with a moisturizer that sinks into skin, but doesn’t leave it greasy. Exfoliate hands and take a pumice stone to feet, and then soothe them with a moisturizer that suits your needs. There are many hand- and foot-specific products on the market, but a light, easily absorbed moisturizer will do the trick every time. Remember, don’t go too thick! You don’t want to be sliding around in those flip flops.

Watch: How to make brown sugar body scrub

Give yourself a spa treatment at home and pamper yourself with a brown sugar scrub.

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