Just because you’ve been using the same skin care line for years and it’s been working for you doesn’t mean that what you use on your face now will always be the right fit. Sometimes you need to switch things up when it comes to skin care and we have some reasons why.
We asked Dr. Harold Lancer, a dermatologist based in Los Angeles, for his tips on when it’s time to switch up your beauty basics.
The seasons are changing
When the seasons change so should your skin care products, says Lancer. In particular he suggests changing your cleanser. “Skin can be drier in winter months, so make sure you adjust your cleanser to be in tune with that.” Gauge how your skin is feeling as winter approaches to see if you need to make some adjustments.
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Products are expired
It seems like an obvious thing to do, but we don’t always remember to think about expiration dates on beauty products. “Check for expiration dates. Some products may be older than you realize,” affirms Lancer. “While they are likely safe, products over two years old may not be as effective as they once were,” he explains. Introduce new things to replace these old products so you know you’re using something safe and effective.
Irritated skin
If you see persistent redness or an unusual breakout, you may be allergic to your skin care routine, notes Lancer. How has your face been feeling? “Some allergic reactions are subtle and appear only in some areas of your face,” he says. If you’ve noticed any redness or even minor irritation, switch your skin care routine to see if it improves the situation.
It’s time to add anti-aging products
Even though it’s hard to admit, at some point you need to start considering skin care products that fight the signs of aging. Your skin needs anti-aging ingredients, but if you’re still using basics from your younger days, you need to switch. “Those fine lines and crow’s feet are telling you that you need more strength in your skin care routine,” explains Lancer.
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You have dull or uneven skin
Glowing skin means your skin care regimen is working. But if your skin doesn’t look as bright as it once did, it might be time to try something new. “Your skin is telling you that the products you are using are not effective,” says Lancer. “Switch to products that speed cell turnover, boost oxygen levels and help skin achieve a radiant glow.”
More skin care tips
How to customize your skin care by “multi-masking”
The skinny on oil-based face products
5 Areas you’re forgetting to anti-age
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