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The best life advice we could find on YouTube


We all need life advice every once in a while and we definitely all need to laugh. Enter YouTube. We’ve gathered the best life advice found on YouTube that’s sure to make you smile!

Where do you turn when you need advice? The Internet, of course! We’ve gathered the best life advice found on YouTube. You’re going to love these heartwarming and laughter-inducing YouTube gems!

Boy meets girl

Remember dating? Here’s everything you need to know, from the most surprising sources!

These pets have a thing or two to tell you about… dating!
And these kids warmed our hearts — twice.

Wedding bells

The most memorable formal life advice comes on your wedding day. And now, thanks to YouTube, we all can all benefit from advice from the maid of honor and best man.

Our favorite maid of honor sang her way into our hearts.
And our favorite best man had us hooked with his charm — and his accent!

Oh, baby!

As soon as you announce your pregnancy, everyone you meet has an opinion to share — even via YouTube.

This baby manual — filled with tongue-in-cheek do’s and don’ts — is worth watching, and passing along.
We can’t get enough of these parents sharing what the parent life is really like… rap-style!

College days

Kids getting older? Have no fear: There’s YouTube for that, too!

A mom shares 40 reasons to go to college.
And college students share the best advice they got from their grandparents, covering everything from getting the best meals to kissing!

Celebrities say…

These celebrities spoke, and YouTube listened.

Ashton Kutcher shares his secrets to success; they’re golden.
Eminem gives kids advice. What could possibly go wrong?
And Amy Poehler’s amazing Harvard speech is perfection!

More YouTube gems

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