Blackheads seem to be a never-ending battle. There are several products and methods that claim to banish those pesky blackheads. Check out our approach that could work for you.
The process of steaming is recommended before using any other removal methods. When you’re steaming your face, the pores open up, which makes it easier to get rid of your blackheads from all areas of your face. Boil water in a large pot, then let it cool down for at least 10 minutes. Once it’s ready, place a large towel over the back of your head and bend over the bowl. The steam should rise towards your face. Let the steam permeate your skin for at least five to 10 minutes before starting the removal of blackheads.
Extracting tool
A great tool to extract those blackheads, even the ones that are deep within the skin. The tool should be cleaned before each use and you should also have a cleaning astringent that you can use to the clean the face after extraction (AVON, $5).
The exfoliation process really helps because it gets rid of dead skin cells and the accumulation of oily extracts. You should always choose a product that contains benzoyl peroxide because it’s great for reducing the pores and eliminating blackheads. Exfoliating products can found at your local drugstore (Paula’s Choice, $22).
Honey is a natural moisturizer that can remove blackheads just by adding a quarter of a cup to your face each night. You should wash your face with warm water before applying the honey and allow your skin to soak it up for at least 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
More tips on tackling acne
Best products for getting rid of blackheads
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