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How to score free stuff with your online purchase

Everybody loves free stuff! So why not make the most of your online shopping to ensure you get freebies with your purchases. We’ll show you how.

Watch for sales

Many major online retailers offer freebies such as a free beauty product or totes to promote a big sale. Keep an eye out for your favorite retailers’ sites to post freebies with purchases during these limited-time-offer sales.

Scout out online-only deals

Aside from getting to shop in your pajamas, there are some other benefits to shopping online. A main perk is that many sites offer freebies along with purchases on their sites during specific sales or times of the year (such as the upcoming holiday season!) that their brick-and-mortar counterparts don’t offer.

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Become a preferred customer

If your favorite stores ask for your email address to send you alerts about special deals, events and sales, oblige! As a preferred shopper, you’ll receive news of these deals and freebie offers before everyone else. And who doesn’t like being the first in the know?

Buy in bulk

Retailers often offer freebies as a carrot to entice shoppers to spend a certain amount to get that coveted freebie (regardless of the actual value of said freebie, but that’s beside the point!). So instead of buying a few things here or there, save up your purchases on your favorite sites and buy them in one fell swoop so you’re eligible to earn freebies or rewards, depending on what the online retailer is offering.

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Become a member

Many online sites or subscriptions ask that you become a member and in doing so, you can accrue free stuff from their site. Before becoming a member or signing up for anything online, make sure you read the fine print so you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into, even if the site claims the membership is “free.” However, some paid memberships include special freebies and free shipping throughout the year, which could be worth it when it comes to the time you’ll save not having to go from store to store to find the best deals.

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Don’t miss out on buy one, get one free sales from your favorite online retailers. Many retailers offer these types of sales when transitioning into a new season (as they need to clear out the prior season’s inventory to make room for the new merchandise), or when the latest version of a technology product is set to come out the retailer may put older models up for BOGO sale.

More on online shopping and freebies

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