Top 10 low-maintenance houseplants
Fairly easy to grow, the Peperomia requires minimal light and only soil to remain moist.
Ponytail palm
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Although the ponytail palm requires a lot of sunlight, it only asks that you water it every seven to 14 days!
Grape ivy
The grape ivy needs moist soil, room temperature and moderate sunlight to grow its curling tendrils.
Jade plant
Requiring sunlight, the jade plant will thrive for two weeks to a month without water.
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Requiring moist soil and good sunlight exposure, the Croton will do great in moderate and cooler indoor climates.
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Requiring moderate to bright light, the Dracaena prefers warmer indoor climates and only needs to be watered when the soil becomes dry.
Rubber tree
Although requiring a larger space due to its potential size, the rubber tree needs direct sunlight and watering sessions only when the soil becomes dry.
Zeezee plant
Almost hard to kill, this plant requires barely any sun or water to continue its long lifecycle.
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Although the Ficus requires a good amount of water and a temperature no greater than 75 or lower than 65 degrees Fahrenheit, when given bright sunlight, this plant will thrive easily.
Shamrock plant
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With a need for indirect sunlight and a watering schedule of every 10 to 14 days, the shamrock requires minimal effort.
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