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If You’re in the Market for a Swimming Partner, These Water Dogs Are Perfect

9. Labrador retriever

A great hunting dog and family-friendly pet, these dogs were bred for hunting waterfowl and have a water-resistant coat.

10. Spanish water dog

A loyal, affectionate and intelligent pup, the Spanish water dog is hardworking and known to be an ancient breed.

11. Schipperke

The enthusiastic schipperke, with origins in Belgium, has a nickname: little captain. These small-sized dogs are known for black, coarse coats, and were watchdogs and ratters on river barges, according to The Dog Guide. The name schipperke is the Flemish word for boat.

12. Nova Scotia duck-tolling retriever

These dogs with the long name are more agile than other retrievers. They’re powerful pups and were bred to work in icy waters, according to the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club.

13. Cocker spaniel

Cockers spaniels are hunting dogs, and the smallest of the spaniels. They’re very popular pets and are cheerful and active — and they especially love splashing around in the water..

14. Vizsla

Originating in Hungary, vizslas are medium-sized sporting dogs with short coats who love swimming, according to Euro Puppy. They’re high-energy, loyal and affectionate.

15. Weimaraners

Weimaraners are sometimes called the “gray ghost” because of their pretty gray color. They were bred to hunt, and are excellently water retrievers.

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