Everyone is a little bit Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! Celebrate the Green Isle with these Irish beauty secrets that will make you look and feel spectacular.
Drink barley water
If you’ve never tried barley water, you’re missing out. The taste isn’t to die for, but its health and beauty benefits certainly are. Proponents tout barley water as a cure for urinary tract infections, digestive problems, sore throats and acne. Although versions of barley water are popular around the world, the concoction has long been a favorite folk remedy of the Irish. Drink a cup a day to restore your health and vitality. Curious? You can check out a recipe at Root Simple.
Try a beer hair treatment
If you think about it, beer is perfect. It’s delicious, refreshing and the foundation of a steady buzz. And if that wasn’t enough, beer is great for your hair! Beer is full of protein from its malts and hops, which bind to the shaft of the hair to restore its luster and bounce. Simply shampoo as usual, and then pour beer (like Irish brand Guinness) through your hair before conditioning and rinsing. If you smell like a bar, it’s all part of the St. Paddy’s day charm!
Healing herbs
Are you a budding horticulturalist? Comfrey is a plant that is native to the British Isles and Ireland, and is famous for its medicinal properties. Doctors warn patients to never ingest comfrey or apply it to open wounds as a salve, but it is safe for use as a topical treatment. Proponents swear that it soothes aching bones and irritated skin. Check out Mother Earth News for instructions about how to use the comfrey leaves, much like the Irish have historically used the herb.
The hair of the dog
And finally, nothing destroys natural beauty quite like a nasty hangover from St. Patrick’s Day (or any day, for that matter). The Irish have a few tips for returning your body to its natural luster after a hard night of partying. Stay away from “the hair of the dog,” which is Irish slang for just drinking more alcohol to cure a hangover. Instead, you can do as the Irish do and drink two raw eggs to minimize your headache, nausea and dehydration. If your stomach is sensitive or you’re scared of salmonella, scramble them up for the same effect on your recovery and beauty.
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