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Lovely crepe paper ranunculus flowers

Bring in a bit of the outdoors by crafting your very own ranunculus flowers. This lovely handmade bouquet is sure to outlast the beautiful days of spring.


  • 1 roll of crepe paper
  • Microwaveable bowl and plate
  • Paintbrush and acrylic paints
  • Clean spray bottle filled with water
  • Microwave
  • Hot glue gun



Cut out your petals

Cut your petals with the “vein” of the paper going vertical. Double up your roll of crepe paper so that you are cutting more than one petal at a time. Place your microwaveable bowl upside down on top of your plate. Lightly spray the bowl with the spray bottle and place the petals on the bowl.


Paint your petals

Blend your colors for a realistic ombré of color on each petal. The more watered down your paint is, the less bold the color will be.


Spray the petals down

Using your spray bottle, soak the painted petals. This helps the colors blend. The more you spray them, the lighter the resulting color will be.


Microwave your petals

Microwave your petals on high for 2-3 minutes, depending on the wetness of your petals. Check every 30 seconds. When done, they will pop off the bowl with a nice curvy shape.


Glue the petals together

To fully achieve the look of a ranunculus flower, you need to hot glue the petals in an overlapping circle, creating a nice concave cup effect.


Repeat above step in varying sizes

Depending on the size of the flower you want, you will need to make several sizes of these petal groups. Make at least 3 large groups: 2 medium and 1 small.


Layer your petals

Add the groups of petals on top of each other, gluing each layer to the top of the one beneath.


Add the center

For the very center, pinch the two smallest petal groups together to create the appearance of petals being bunched together.


Repeat all of the above steps for a full bouquet

Make flowers of different sizes and colors to fill your spring bouquet.


Add stems and enjoy!

You can either use artificial stems or go out and cut budding stems and branches for a super realistic appearance.

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