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DIY: Turn old pajama pants into couture track pants

The track pants trend is everywhere right now, and it may be short-lived, but if you’re dying to try the trend and don’t want to spend a fortune on a pair of these pants, try out this super-easy refashion to turn a pair of pajamas into a pair of trendy track pants.

How to turn old pajama pants into couture track pants


  • Pajama pants
  • Matching thread
  • 1-inch wide (or wider) elastic


  1. Start out with a plain pair of elastic-waisted pajama pants.
  2. Turn the pants inside-out and put them on, using pins to mark how slim (tapered) you want to make them down your legs. Remove the pants, and with the right sides together, sew down the side from the waistband to the hem, following your markings. Repeat this step on the second side, and then do the same for the inside seams, as shown above. Trim off the extra fabric and surge or zigzag the raw edge so the fabric doesn’t fray.
  3. Measure around your ankle and cut the two pieces of elastic to that measurement. Sew each piece of elastic in a loop, as shown above.
  4. Slip the elastic loop around the bottom of one pant leg (against the inside of the pants, as shown above), pinning it evenly around. The edge of the elastic should be about 1/8-inch below the edge of the pants so it doesn’t hang out when you wear them. Repeat for the second leg.
  5. Sew three seams around the elastic with a straight stitch, stretching the elastic tight in between pins as you sew. Repeat with the second leg.
  6. Turn your pants right side out and you’re done!

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