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5 Graduation fails better than Davenport University face plant

Recently, the internet has been buzzing about the Davenport University graduation backflip fail. It’s epic. It’s hilarious. It’s… not the only one of its kind. That’s right, people have been falling in their caps and gowns for some time. It’s kind of a thing. Here are five graduation fails that put the Davenport face plant to shame.

Here’s the Davenport graduation backflip disaster for your graduation disaster reference.

The high heels debacle
A cautionary tale to all of us who like to dabble in extreme shoes, this poor graduate in killer heels keeps falling… and falling… and falling. It’s the fall that will not end. It’s the fall that begs to become a viral gif. It’s the fall that you never want to have, and it occurred on camera at graduation. Poor girl.

The cartwheel crash and burn
Every time we watch this we think, “No! Don’t do it! Don’t try for that cartwheel down the graduation steps!” Why can’t we look away? Why don’t we want to look away?

The dance-it-out mistake
Dancing after you get your diploma sounds fun, right? Cute? A great way to end your time at school and showcase your personality? Think again. Oh, think again.

The trip and fall… all the way down the stairs
Sure, people have been falling at graduations since the beginning of graduations (and maybe since the dawn of time), but this trip and fall down the stairs is on another level of awkward and pain. Ow! Wow! That looks like it hurts.

The on-purpose fail
This guy got his degree in performance voice, and as his final adieu to school, he entertained everyone at the graduation ceremony with a spectacular face plant. It’s perfect, and it’s worth watching again and again.

More graduation goodness

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