No more bad hair days! Try these techniques to get gorgeous hair at home.
Photo credit: Christopher Robbins/Photodisc/Getty Images
t If you think the only way to get picture-perfect hair is by spending hours and major money at the salon, think again! There are plenty of ways to get gorgeous locks on your own, no appointment required. Try our tips and get on your way to good hair days permanently.
Don’t wash your hair every day — seriously
t Despite what your mom may have told you, hair doesn’t have to be shampooed every day. Every other day is just fine. Washing too often can actually lead to excess oil production, making your strands more greasy. So invest in a shower cap and some dry shampoo for days you don’t lather up. You can always use baby powder on your roots, too.
Condition with what’s in your kitchen
t Did you know olive oil makes a great conditioner? Once a week, microwave 1/2 cup of olive oil and massage into dry, unwashed hair. After 30 minutes, wash your hair and rinse with cold water. And avocados aren’t just good for guacamole. “Mash them up and put them in your hair if it’s dull,” celebrity hairstylist Matt Fugate says.
Use YouTube for inspiration
t If you love the trendy braided or fishtail looks, but have no idea how to recreate them, YouTube is your new BFF. There are tons of step-by-step hair tutorial videos and entire channels you can subscribe to, like Cute Girls’ Hairstyles where a mom of six demos adorable styles on her daughters and herself every week.
Change up your color at home
t One summer when I was in middle school, I went a little crazy with Sun-In and ended up with brassy orange hair instead of blonde, but today’s at-home color products are practically foolproof. Madison Reed, a new line of multi-tonal hair dyes available by mail, offers live chats with professional colorists on their website to help you choose your perfect shade. They also have a smartphone app that features demo videos of how to properly apply the product and a built-in timer so you don’t process too long.
Turn up the volume
t After showering, work a mousse through your hair and blow-dry your tresses upside down. Use your fingers while it’s still relatively wet, then flip it over and finish up with a round brush. Blast the roots with heat and let the round brush stay and set for a minute before unwinding.
Try a cool rinse
t Before stepping out of the shower, turn the temperature down and do one final rinse with cool water. Cold water closes and seals the cuticles and locks in shine.
Be a tease
t If you have fine hair, fake thick locks by backcombing. Using a fine-toothed, rat-tail comb, lift a section and comb the underside towards the roots until you’ve created some volume. Then, release the section and lightly brush any tangles out of the top part. You’re ready for your close up!
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