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Day 6: Six-week beach body challenge

Get a slim summer body, discover new vacation spots and enjoy some flat-belly snacks with the Beach Body Challenge.

t Each day for the next six weeks, you can expect:

  1. A fat-burning, muscle-building move to add into your routine
  2. t

  3. Beach body recipe or flat-belly snack
  4. t

  5. Ideas for sexy summer destinations
  6. t

  7. Recommendations for cute bikinis and where to find them

1. Beach body move: Warrior III


  1. Place all your weight onto your right foot. Slightly bend your knee and hinge forward at your hips.
  2. t

  3. Kick your left leg up to hip height, bringing torso close to parallel with the ground. Engage core and draw shoulder blades together. Pick one point on the floor to look at.
  4. t

  5. Hold 5-10 deep breaths and then switch sides.

2. Flat belly snack: Green juice


Photo credit: Kesu01/iStock/360/Getty Images

t A juice high in leafy vegetables is stellar for your body. It delivers nutrients right into the body. You will get a great energy boost as well as improve skin tone. The juice helps detoxify the system and provides nutrients you may not be obtaining from your diet.

3. Sexy summer destination: Seattle


Photo credit: Michael Riffle/Moment/Getty Images

t Calling all foodies: Seattle is the new spot for delicious tastes, award-winning chefs and open-air markets. This city is home to fabulous restaurants with a very hip vibe. Check out Pike Place Market where there are endless options to choose from. You can also turn the trip into a cultural experience with the museums, shows and sights.

4. Bikini pick: Luli Fama swimwear


t Tropical prints, bright colors and simple cuts. Perfect for paradise!

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