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Picking out the perfect face cream

It is so hard these days trying to figure out the perfect face cream.


t When it comes to your face you do not have the luxury of wasting time trying out different face creams to find which one will give you the results you want.

t It is so hard these days trying to figure out the perfect face cream. You find the one that lifts the best, another to hydrate, another for firming. So you found the best three face creams, but now you can’t use them all because your face will look like a greasy, oily mess.

t Another huge issue with moisturizers is how they react to your makeup. If it is over-moisturizing, your face will look damp and dewy. If it is too dry, it isn’t doing its job. It is actually causing you to age and your makeup to accentuate and deepen the lines on your face making your skin appear older.

t So the question comes down to this: How can you get all the best qualities mixed into one face cream? And what is the best face cream to wear under makeup?

t If you want to stop looking and finally start loving your face before it’s too late, Burt’s Bees Brightening Even Tone Moisturizing Cream is the face cream to get. It is worth testing out and Burt’s Bees is offering a $3 off coupon to help get you started.

t While all of the content on reflects the honest opinions of our Experts, Burt’s Bees did sponsor this post.

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