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Fetus soap: Cool or just plain weird?


These bars of soap contain disturbingly lifelike fetuses within them, but don’t worry — they are made from goat’s milk, not actual unborn babies.

Creator Lily Su is an artist who, for reasons unknown, decided to create her very own silicone fetus mold — and the idea for fetus soap was born. Each bar features an “embryonic sac” that is embedded with a tiny fetus.

Su equates the process of casting the mold to the nine-month process of growing a baby, stating that it “mimics gestation and birthing with its long production process and patience in curing.” She believes that each of her little creations is like a scientific specimen.

Su starts out with a soap base, including some additives for color and fragrance. The entire process is laid out on this Tumblr page with some step-by-step photos. Su’s adorable packaging possibly makes up for the eerie bundle of joy within.

Each bar is about 2.5 inches long, indicating that the faux fetus is about 12 to 13 weeks old. Fetus soap is for sale on Etsy, where it has received numerous positive reviews from people who questionably felt the need to buy it.

This soap could make a funny (albeit odd) baby shower gift, not to mention a great conversation starter if you leave it out for guests to use. Perhaps if you’re feeling creative and have run out of other ideas, you could give it to your mom as a gift. Or maybe you’re just a really big fan of the miracle of life.

Besides, the little peanut is kind of cute, in a creepy way.

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