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8-year-old calls 911 to save her babysitter

You might think that kids today are wa-a-a-a-ay too dependent on their phones. This little girl’s story will show you why maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all.


Josie Zavala may be only 8 years old, but don’t let her lack of double-digits fool you. When Josie’s regular babysitter started behaving erratically and eventually passed out on the couch (i.e., every parent’s nightmare), the little girl didn’t panic. Instead, she took matters into her own hands and used her babysitter’s cellphone to call 911. She saved the day and her babysitter’s life. It turns out the sitter was having issues with her blood pressure.

Josie is very clearly a special little girl. Watching her discuss her scary moment with a news team is beyond sweet to watch. She’s so proud of herself! And so she should be. I mean, I’ve been known to panic when I accidentally forget I have something in the oven, let alone during a medical emergency. This sweet articulate little miss will absolutely be a stellar babysitter in her own right when the time comes. We bet her current sitter would give her one heck of a reference.

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