The Colombian women’s cycling team left quite an impression at their latest race, the Giro della Toscana in Italy.
Not for their athleticism — no, because their ridiculous team uniforms made them all look like they were exposing their nude crotches. So, I guess Title IX isn’t a thing in Colombia.
Social media had a real field day after a photo of the team from the event started making the rounds.
El #CiclismoFemenino de Colombia se abre camino en Europa #Equipo@IDRD#SanMateo@solgarcolombia en
— ÚltimoKilómetro (@Ultimo_km1) September 12, 2014
Although the team says the uniforms weren’t intended to be offensive, Twitter thought the picture of the team with what appears to be nekkid nether regions was questionable enough to flag the image with a warning about the potentially “sensitive material.”
To the many who have raised the issue of a certain women's team kit, we are on the case. It is unacceptable by any standard of decency.
— Brian Cookson OBE (@BrianCooksonOBE) September 14, 2014
Brian Cookson, the president of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) was also not amused by the team’s fashion choice and weighed in on social media.
Asking a team of elite athletes to appear to have exposed naughty bits is nothing less than completely disrespectful. But, in fairness, the Lycra material is actually a gold color that happens to photograph horribly. Notice, however, in the photos that the male coach’s crotch is appropriately covered in red material.
But before I get all up on my feminist high horse, I should point out that in 2010, a men’s pro team also had to don similar looking nude uniforms. In their defense, the Colombian cycling organization Ultimo Kilometro, which is behind the Colombian women’s team, published side-by-side images of the two nude-looking teams with the caption “It’s cycling, not fashion.”
Para quienes no pueden ver más allá de un diseño.Es ciclismo,no es moda
— ÚltimoKilómetro (@Ultimo_km1) September 14, 2014
Can someone please call Stella McCartney and get her to design these ladies something acceptable and lovely? She did a really nice job with the British Olympic uniforms. These athletes have been embarrassed enough by those hideous things.
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