Arizona politics is so chock full of nuts, it’s not really that often anyone bothers to take notice of the bigoted nonsense that comes out of the Grand Canyon State.
But Russell Pearce, the now former vice-chair of the Arizona GOP has taken this hateful crap to a whole new level of stupid.
On a recent airing of his talk radio show, Pearce said if he were in charge of Medicaid (I imagine a lot of chest puffing here as he makes his big pronouncement) he would force poor women to be sterilized. It’s not completely clear who he’s going to force on Norplant, but it appears in that murky mess of logic he’s spewing that he’s talking generally about poor, single mothers. You know, the ones who have had it way too easy for way too long with their working all day to make ends meet and raising the next generation all by themselves.
“You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I’d do is get Norplant, birth-control implants or tubal ligations,” Pearce reportedly said on his talk show. “Then we’ll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [have babies] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job.”
As someone in a role to help Republicans get elected in a state increasingly moving to the left, his repugnant comments probably won’t do much to woo the lady vote. Or the gentleman vote, come to think of it. As the comments started to circulate more widely, Pearce, in all of his wisdom, decided to resign his position with the Arizona Republicans. Probably a good idea.
Naturally, Pearce is trying to blame the comments on someone else. You know, because he’s a guy who stands up for what he believes.
“Recently on my radio show there was a discussion about the abuses to our welfare system,” Pearce wrote in his statement resigning his position with the Arizona GOP. “I shared comments written by someone else and failed to attribute them to the author. This was a mistake. This mistake has been taken by the media and the left and used to hurt our Republican candidates.”
But if this were the first time Pearce acted like a buffoon, it might be easier to forgive.
Pearce, you see, used to be an Arizona state senator, the president of the Arizona Senate in fact, but was recalled after he sponsored the controversial SB1070, also known as the “show me your papers” bill which allowed law enforcement to demand anyone that happened to cross their paths (read: brown people) to provide proof of citizenship, a remarkable violation of the Constitution. Not to mention making bad law, he turned Arizona into a shining example of racism and stupidity.
And so, I say to Russell Pearce, good luck with your lame radio show, and may you never hold public office in Arizona or on Planet Earth again.
Oh, and by the way, no one was ever going to put you in charge of Medicaid. Just go back to yelling at neighborhood kids to stay off your lawn. Peace out.
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