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5 Tips for luxury hotel stays with your kids

You have found an amazing offer at a beautiful hotel. One of those offers that only comes along in a blue moon and you want to take your kids as well, but you have that niggling feeling about whether or not they will behave themselves.


tAs a mother to two young children in a family that travels, I have frequently had those moments when I want to book us into a four-star or five-star hotel, but am worried that my kids aren’t going to behave. I want to share my tactics for making the stay stress-free and fun.

  1. Prepare them in advance for the stay. Talk it up, show them photos of the hotel you will be staying in. Explain how you would like them to behave, but be sure to emphasize the fact that it is all about having fun.
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  3. When choosing a hotel try and opt for the “child-friendly” or “family-friendly” option. Many luxury hotels actively welcome young travelers; after all they are the guests of tomorrow.
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  5. Let the hotel know in advance that you will traveling with children. It gives them an opportunity to step up and make your children as welcome as possible. Some even have gifts ready for your special little traveler, and a small toy or an ice cream on arrival can go a long way after a day of traveling.
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  7. Encourage your kids to check in. This will reinforce good behavior and give them some ownership of the stay.
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  9. Make use of all the facilities available. Don’t stay away from the swimming pool or the fine dining restaurant if you want to enjoy it. Your children have as much right to enjoy the hotel as the adults staying there.

Most of all, relax and enjoy yourself. After all, we were all young once.

Photo credit: Jupiterimages/Pixland/360/Getty Images

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