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5 Things you might as well wear now that tampon earrings are a thing

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone wears a tampon earring on the runway.

Yep, that’s right, And if you are reading this, then I already know you’re brave because the title included the words “tampon earring,” so welcome, courageous one.

Fashion has officially lost its rocker particularly in the form of Meadham Kirchhoff’s spring 2015 accessory choice: bloody tampon earrings.

Runway fashion? More like run away fashion, am I right?

Now, I’m not nearly deep enough or high fashion enough to possibly interpret what this symbolizes or the deeper meaning behind it (girl power? period power? fertility celebration?) but one thing’s for sure: If tampon earrings are acceptable (pending), then anything goes.

So, of course, we whipped up a list of things that you might as well wear now that tampon earrings are a thing:

  1. Toilet paper pocket squares

Want to help your guy look extra dapper in his suit while also making a statement about his freedom to defecate? This is the accessory for you.

  1. NuvaRing bracelets

Oh don’t look at me like that. You are woman, hear you roar… about your contraceptive bangle.

  1. Condom hair tie

They’re elastic, they’re durable and Kirchhoff is probably kicking herself for not thinking of this first.

  1. Maxi pad slippers

Yep, we’re getting all of everyone’s favorite words in here. And, come on, if these worked for the Orange is the New Black gang, they’ll work for you. All you need are some pads, a hair tie (maybe your condom hair tie?) and a slight loss of sanity.

  1. Birth control pill case wallet

Don’t throw that handy plastic case away every month. Throw your Amex and ID in it and hit the town, girl!

Have you been sufficiently grossed out? Me too.

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