We all love our cats, but this sexy country star kicks it up a notch, maybe even two notches. Anyway, however many notches are at play, there are too many.
I love my cats (I’ve got two, a reasonable amount). I’m not shy about this passion, as anyone who visits my Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account can tell you. It is rife with photos of my cats doing adorable stuff like, you know, existing.
That said, even I admit that there can be such a thing as loving your cat too much. Country crooner J.R. Moore proves my point with his new video for Meow Mix cat food. Yup, that’s right — Meow Mix. Even if you don’t own a cat, you know that jingle. It inches into your brain like nothing else, and once it has taken up residence, verily, it shall not be moved.
Moore’s re-imagined the jingle with a catchy country pop take on the old classic. It is as hilarious as it is alarming. Like I said, I love my cats, but I’m not going to spoon with them in front of a fireplace, nor am I going to try and cook them gourmet meals while flexing my biceps. That’s because there’s loving your cat, and then there is making inappropriate and untoward advances upon your cat that could lead to your family staging some sort of intervention. I am more than aware of the difference. Moore might not be.
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