Making Good Cop/Bad Cop
Step 1: Spray-paint
If you are using black foam core for Good Cop/Bad Cop’s body, then you will only need to spray-paint a bowl and a 1/2 sheet of poster paper black for his helmet as well as 2 full sheets of poster paper yellow for his face.
Step 2: Paint the remaining details onto the LEGO body
Use white, gray and gold acrylic paint to add the details of the police uniform. Here are a few templates to help.
Step 3: Make the reversible head
For Good Cop, use this template to trace his facial features onto a 12 x 24-inch sheet of your yellow paper. Then follow the same steps outlined in the How to make Emmettutorial to apply the mesh for the eyeholes.
For Bad Cop, use this template to trace the facial details onto a 12 x 24-inch sheet of yellow paper. Use the same template to trace the shape of Bad Cop’s sunglasses onto a sheet of shiny silver paper. Cut out his shades, and glue them onto the yellow paper, using your tracing as a guide. Paint the teeth with white acrylic paint, and outline with a black permanent marker.
Form the circumference using the same method outlined in the How to make Emmet tutorial; however, prior to gluing on the helmet, cut 2 identical mushroom shapes from black poster paper, and glue 1 on each side (as if to cover the ears).
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