Use the Right Camera
Cellphone cameras are handy for quick snapshots whereas a digital camera is great for a family vacation because it allows you to make quality prints for your album or scrapbook and make enlargements to frame as well.
For a day at a theme park, you’ll want a versatile camera that can capture fast-moving and still moments throughout the day. Although you don’t need to go completely high-end. For example, if you’re going to be carrying around a baby or have your hands full, a DSLR camera is probably too bulky to carry and use; a point-and-shoot camera is pocket-sized and is easy enough for kids to use.
Disposable camera’s are great for the beach so that you can protect your “real” camera from sand and water.
Photograph Signs
Sometimes the easiest way to remember where a picture was taken is to take a picture of signs around the area. A sign gives historical and other important information about a site. It’ll be nice to add to any scrapbook and will also help you remember where you went on your trip.
If you want to make your pictures look more unique, try shooting from a different angle or playing around with them in an image editing program.
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