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16 Easy Halloween costumes for your baby


  • Yellow hooded sweatshirt
  • Black or brown fabric paint
  • Yellow felt
  • Two pairs of black socks

Paint black or brown stripes on the sweatsuit. For the ears, cut two triangles from the felt — either hand sew or hot glue onto the hood. Then cut a long tail from the remaining felt and attach it to the back of the pants with a safety pin. Have your child wear one pair of socks on their hands and one pair on their feet.


  • Green sweatsuit (hooded is optional)
  • Two pieces green or light brown poster board
  • Craft paint or thick markers
  • Hot glue

Cut one piece of the poster board into a large oval shell. Draw large wobbly circles on shell. Go over the outline with markers or paint to accentuate. Cut two long, fairly thick strips — the full length of the board [etween one and two inches depending on the size of the child]from the second piece of poster board. Using hot glue, attach these strips to the top of the back side of the shell, then run over child’s shoulders as straps.

Tip: Leave enough length on the straps so your child can move his or arms without tearing or breaking the straps.


  • Gold, brown, tan, black, grey or white hooded sweatsuit
  • Faux fur in colour matching sweatsuit
  • Fabric glue
  • Felt in colour matching sweatsuit
  • Plastic headband
  • Two pairs of socks in colour matching sweatsuit
  • Dog collar or belt cut to size (optional)

If desired, use black marker to draw stripes on thr sweatsuit. Cut two triangles for ears and hot glue to the headband. Cut a small oval shape from the faux fur for the tummy area and adhere that with fabric glue.

Next make cuffs and a collar. Use the cuffs on the sweatshirt as a guide for how wide and long you need to cut the faux fur strips. Attach the strips to the sweatshirt using fabric glue. Cut a long tail from the remaining felt and attach to the back of the pants with a safety pin. Have your child wear one pair of socks on their hands and one pair on their feet.

Top off with a dog collar or a belt cut short to serve as a collar.

Tip: You can always glue ears on a headband instead of glueing them onto the hood of the sweatshirt.

Next: More baby Halloween costumes ideas! >>



  • White hooded sweatsuit
  • Cotton batting or stuffing from a pillow
  • White or black felt triangles for ears
  • Doublesided tape
  • Two pairs of white or black socks

Apply strips of double-sided tape up and down the sweatsuit. Attach cotton batting in clumps by pressing onto the tape. For the ears, cut two triangles from either black or white felt. Either sew or hot glue onto the hood.

Tip: Have your child wear one pair of socks on their hands and one pair on their feet — use black socks if you used black felt for the ears.


  • Black hooded sweatsuit
  • Two pairs of black socks
  • Four pairs of black tube socks, nylon or polyester
  • Cotton batting

Stuff four pairs of tube socks with cotton batting to make the spider’s legs. Sew or pin the eight legs to the sides of the black outfit. Wear one pair of black socks on his hands and one pair on his feet.

Note for infants: When your baby crawls, the legs flop up and down on the ground, making it look like a spider crawling across the floor. Absolutely adorable!

Tip: To make a bug costume, use a green or brown (or any colour you like) sweatsuit and coordinating socks.


  • Black hooded sweatsuit
  • White fabric paint, squeeze bottle
  • Medium-sized fuzzy spider
  • Black plastic headband
  • Hot glue
  • Small plastic spiders

With white fabric paint in a squeeze bottle, paint a big spider web on the front and back of the black sweatsuit.

Tip: If you are having trouble making straight lines, use masking tape as a ‘ruler’ and pull up, once it dries.

Paint a few smaller ones on the pants. Hot glue the fuzzy spider to the plastic headband, allow to dry. With two or three stitches, hand sew small plastic spiders to the webs, don’t forget the ones on the legs!


  • White hooded sweatsuit
  • Black fabric marker or black fabric/felt circles
  • Short piece of rope or 10 to 12 strands of black yarn, braided
  • Dog collar or old belt cut to size
  • Bell
  • Two pairs white socks

Draw black spots onto the sweatsuit with a fabric marker or cut and sew on black felt or fabric circles — these will be the spots. Add a tail by unravelling one end of the piece of rope and pinning the unfrayed end to the back of the pants. If using yarn, be sure to leave a section unbraided toward the end of the tail.

For the ears, cut two large triangles from felt. Either hand sew or hot glue onto the hood (or a headband). Use a dog collar or an old belt and attach the “cow bell” for the finishing touch. Have your child wear one pair of socks on their hands and one pair on their feet.

Next: More baby Halloween costumes ideas! >>

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